Celestron Astromaster 130EQ-MD Teleskop (130×650, Motor Sürücülü)

PowerSeeker serisi, astronomi ve yeryüzü gözlemlerine ilk adım atmak isteyen çocuklar ve aileler için çok uygun giriş seviyesi teleskoplardır.
  • Celestron Türkiye distribütöründen direkt ve ücretsiz kargo
  • Karasal ve astronomik kullanım için idealdir.
  • 130mm (5”) çap Newtonian reflektör
  • 650mm odak uzunluğu (f/5)
  • Alman ekvatoryel kundak (CG-3) ile RA ve DEC yavaş hareketli kontrol ve ayar skalası
  • Star Pointer bulucu dürbün
  • 20mm görüntü düzeltici gözmerceği (33x)
  • 10mm gözmerceği (65x) - 1.25”
  • Ayarlanabilir yükseklik - 1.25” çelik ayak tripod withaksesuar tablası
  • “The Sky Level 1” CD-ROM
  • Ağırlık: 12.7 kg
  • Renk: Lacivert

Bak Şu Gezegene

Haydi, muhteşem bir yolculuğa çıkalım, gökyüzünde parlayan GEZEGENLERLE tanışalım. Madem oralar arabayla gidemeyecek kadar uzak, biz de ROKETE atladığımız gibi uçarız, çabucak! Çok satan çocuk kitaplarının ödüllü yazarı Caryl Hart’tan, kafiyeli anlatımı ve göz alıcı çizimleriyle, geleceğin ASTRONOTLARI için MUHTEŞEM bir resimli kitap! Serinin diğer kitabı Bak Şu Okyanusa'yı incelemek için buraya tıklayabilirsiniz.

Gelecek Nasıl Gelecek – Bilim, Geleceğimiz Hakkında Ne Biliyor?


Ünlü fizikçi Jim Al-Khalili’nin zaman makinesine hoş geldiniz.

Kendi kendini tamir eden bisikletlere, yoldan elektrik üreten sürücüsüz otomobillere, hava şartlarına göre kendini ayarlayan giysilere hazır mısınız? İlaçlarınızın sizin DNA’nıza özel tasarlandığı bir dünya mı, yoksa yaşanabilir bir uzay mı sizi heyecanlandırır? Yapay zekânın bizden tüm işlerimizi devraldığı bir dünyaya ne dersiniz?

Gelecek Nasıl Gelecek’te, alanında söz sahibi uzmanlar önden gidip keşfe çıkarak insanlığın hayli olası yarınına ışık tutuyor. Kuantum bilgisayarları ve sentetik biyoloji gibi dudak uçuklatan teknolojilerden, iklim değişikliği ve enerji sorunu gibi hassas konulara uzanıyor; sürücüsüz araçların kaza anında kimin hayatını kurtarmaya programlanacağı ya da tedavisi imkansız bir hastalığa yakalanma riskinizi öğrenmek isteyip istememe gibi ikilemleri sorgulatıyor; totaliter “Büyük Birader” yerine trilyonlarca dijital “küçük birader” tarafından izlenmek bizi ürkütmeli mi gibi politik sorulara dair öngörülerde bulunuyorlar. Her şeyin internete bağlandığı bir gelecekte su ısıtıcınızın hack’lenmesiyle evinizin “kontrolünü kaybetmek” gibi tuhaf riskleri anlatıyor, “kıyameti yaşamış” bir dünyada nasıl hayatta kalıp uygarlığı baştan inşa edebileceğimizle ilgili sorulara ufkumuzu genişletecek cevaplar veriyorlar.

Gelecek dendiğinde bilimkurgunun ötesini merak edenler için, devrim yaratacak atılımların şablonları bu zihin açıcı gelecek kılavuzunda.

Sapiens: Grafik Tarih 2


Tüm dünyada milyonlarla buluşan Sapiens’in yazarı Yuval Noah Harari, insanlık tarihini geniş bir okur kitlesinin zevkle okuyacağı yepyeni bir formatta sunuyor.

Dört ciltlik serinin ikinci cildi Uygarlığın Sütunları, avcı-toplayıcı Sapiens’in daha fazla güvence ve üretkenlik peşinde koşarken yerleşik düzene nasıl geçtiğini ve tohumunu ektiği ilk buğdayla birlikte kendisini sonu gelmez çatışmalar, salgınlar ve eşitsizlikler döngüsüne nasıl mahkûm ettiğini anlatıyor. Serinin ilk kitabında tanıştığımız kahramanlar bu kez tarihteki en köklü adımlardan Tarım Devrimi’nin etkilerini eğlenceli hikâyelerle gözler önüne seriyor.

Elindekinden daha fazlasına sahip olmak isteyen ilk yerleşimciler, evcilleştirdikleri ilk bitki ve hayvanlarla, kendilerine ayırdıkları ilk toprak parçasıyla, inandıkları ilk din ve koydukları ilk toplumsal kurallarla fark etmeden dünya tarihini şekillendiren en büyük kısırdöngüleri yaratıyor.

İnsanlık tarihinin dönüm noktalarını farklı disiplinlerin penceresinden son derece keyifli bir üslupla anlatan Harari bu kitapta, medeniyetlerin kuruluşunda kilit rol oynayan ama bir yandan da ırklar ve cinsiyetler arasındaki eşitsizlikleri körükleyen kurmaca hikâyelerin, mantıkdışı toplumsal hiyerarşilerin ve hayali düzenlerin foyasını meydana çıkarıyor.

The Seven Poor Travellers (Charles Dickens)

A short and inspirational work by Charles Dickens written as a Christmas story. Outshined by Dickens much more well known Christmas story, this story has received scant notice. Written in the first person, Dickens tell of being a “poor traveller,” and discovering a humble inn during his travels. Set up as a charitable hostel by a gentlemen deceased over a century previously, the inn offers to “six poor traveller’s,” true in heart, free lodging for one night plus enough money to purchase a simple meal. After satisfying himself of the bona fides of this charitable work, the “seventh poor traveller,” as Dickens refers to the narrator, determines to contribute his own gift to his fellow “traveller’s,” it being Christmas Eve. Securing a sumptuous meal for the holy occasion, and preparing his own secret recipe of wassail, he shares a most satisfying Christmas Eve meal with his fellows, topping off the night with a personal story that befits a Christ-like life of humble service to the meanest among us. The story told, and following activities, serve to illustrate well the concept Dickens wishes to drive home, which is that at best we are all “poor traveller’s” together in this life, and make the best of it all by sharing with a true heart whatever good and honest fare comes our way. Without the burden of judging harshly those whom we encounter who seem beneath our station, true happiness may be achieved before we, too, depart this veil of tears. Warning: Unlike most of the books in our store, this book is in English. Uyarı: Agora Bilim Pazarı'ndaki diğer birçok kitabın aksine, bu kitap İngilizcedir.

Three Ghost Stories (Charles Dickens)

A collection of three different stories that are true Gothic classics. The three stories, The Signal Man, The Haunted House and The Trial for Murder were sensational for their time and continue to hold up well, thanks to Charles Dickens' superb skills at storytelling. The Signal Man is the most well known of the three, chronicling the haunting of a railroad signal man who is visited by a ghost just before a tragic event is to happen on the railway. Warning: Unlike most of the books in our store, this book is in English. Uyarı: Agora Bilim Pazarı'ndaki diğer birçok kitabın aksine, bu kitap İngilizcedir.

The Wealth Of Nations (Adam Smith)

Adam Smith (1723-1790) was one of the brightest stars of the eighteenth-century Scottish Enlightenment. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations was his most important book. First published in London in March 1776, it had been eagerly anticipated by Smith's contemporaries and became an immediate bestseller. That edition sold out quickly and others followed. Today, Smith's Wealth of Nations rightfully claims a place in the Western intellectual canon. Warning: Unlike most of the books in our store, this book is in English. Uyarı: Agora Bilim Pazarı'ndaki diğer birçok kitabın aksine, bu kitap İngilizcedir.

Sex and Repression in Savage Society (Bronislaw Malinowski)

During the First World War the pioneer anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski found himself stranded on the Trobriand Islands, off the eastern coast of New Guinea. By living among the people he studied there, speaking their language and participating in their activities, he invented what became known as ‘participant-observation’. This new type of ethnographic study was to have a huge impact on the emerging discipline of anthropology. In Sex and Repression in Savage Society Malinowski applied his experiences on the Trobriand Islands to the study of sexuality, and the attendant issues of eroticism, obscenity, incest, oppression, power and parenthood. In so doing, he both utilized and challenged the psychoanalytical methods being popularized at the time in Europe by Freud and others. The result is a unique and brilliant book that, though revolutionary when first published, has since become a standard work on the psychology of sex. Warning: Unlike most of the books in our store, this book is in English. Uyarı: Agora Bilim Pazarı'ndaki diğer birçok kitabın aksine, bu kitap İngilizcedir.

Mrs. Dalloway (Virginia Woolf)

Mrs. Dalloway is a novel by Virginia Woolf that details a day in the life of Clarissa Dalloway, a fictional high-society woman in post–First World War England. It is one of Woolf’s best-known novels. The working title of Mrs. Dalloway was The Hours. The novel began as two short stories, “Mrs. Dalloway in Bond Street” and the unfinished “The Prime Minister”. It describes Clarissa's preparations for a party she will host in the evening, and the ensuing party. With an interior perspective, the story travels forward and back in time and in and out of the characters' minds to construct an image of Clarissa's life and of the inter-war social structure. In October 2005, Mrs. Dalloway was included on Time’s list of the 100 best English-language novels written since Time debuted in 1923. Clarissa Dalloway goes around London in the morning, getting ready to host a party that evening. The nice day reminds her of her youth spent in the countryside in Bourton and makes her wonder about her choice of husband; she had married the reliable Richard Dalloway instead of the enigmatic and demanding Peter Walsh, and she “had not the option” to be with a female romantic interest, Sally Seton. Peter reintroduces these conflicts by paying a visit that morning. Warning: Unlike most of the books in our store, this book is in English. Uyarı: Agora Bilim Pazarı'ndaki diğer birçok kitabın aksine, bu kitap İngilizcedir.

Down and Out in Paris and London (George Orwell)

Down and Out in Paris and London is the first full-length work by the English author George Orwell, published in 1933. It is a memoir in two parts on the theme of poverty in the two cities. Its target audience was the middle- and upper-class members of society—those who were more likely to be well educated— and exposes the poverty existing in two prosperous cities: Paris and London. The first part is an account of living in near-extreme poverty destitution in Paris and the experience of casual labour in restaurant kitchens. The second part is a travelogue of life on the road in and around London from the tramp's perspective, with descriptions of the types of hostel accommodation available and some of the characters to be found living on the margins. Warning: Unlike most of the books in our store, this book is in English. Uyarı: Agora Bilim Pazarı'ndaki diğer birçok kitabın aksine, bu kitap İngilizcedir.

David Copperfield (Charles Dickens)

David Copperfield, is a novel in the bildungsroman genre by Charles Dickens, narrated by the eponymous David Copperfield, detailing his adventures in his journey from infancy to maturity. It was first published as a serial in 1849 and 1850, and as a book in 1850. David Copperfield is also an autobiographical novel: “a very complicated weaving of truth and invention”, with events following Dickens’s own life. Of the books he wrote, it was his favourite. Called “the triumph of the art of Dickens”, it marks a turning point in his work, separating the novels of youth and those of maturity. At first glance, the work is modelled on 18th-century “personal histories” that were very popular, like Henry Fielding’s Joseph Andrews or Tom Jones, but David Copperfield is a more carefully structured work. It begins, like other novels by Dickens, with a bleak picture of childhood in Victorian England, followed by young Copperfield’s slow social ascent, as he painfully provides for his aunt, while continuing his studies. Warning: Unlike most of the books in our store, this book is in English. Uyarı: Agora Bilim Pazarı'ndaki diğer birçok kitabın aksine, bu kitap İngilizcedir.

A Tale Of Two Cities A Story Of The French Revolution (Charles Dickens)

A Tale of Two Cities is an 1859 historical novel by Charles Dickens, set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution. The novel tells the story of the French Doctor Manette, his 18-year-long imprisonment in the Bastille in Paris and his release to live in London with his daughter Lucie, whom he had never met. The story is set against the conditions that led up to the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror. In the Introduction to the Encyclopedia of Adventure Fiction, critic Don D'Ammassa argues that it is an adventure novel because the protagonists are in constant danger of being imprisoned or killed. As Dickens' best-known work of historical fiction, A Tale of Two Cities is claimed to be one of the best-selling novels of all time. In 2003, the novel was ranked 63rd on the BBC's The Big Read poll. The novel has been adapted for film, television, radio, and the stage, and has continued to influence popular culture. Warning: Unlike most of the books in our store, this book is in English. Uyarı: Agora Bilim Pazarı'ndaki diğer birçok kitabın aksine, bu kitap İngilizcedir.